Trigger points – how are they causing pain and how can they be treated?
Trigger point is a palpable tender knots in the muscle that causes a pain when pressed in areas of body other than the muscle. This is known as ”Referred Pain”
How do trigger points develop?
Trigger points are developed when there are minor muscle tears which can be caused by multiple reasons (trauma, immobility, stress, sleep deprivation etc.). As the tissue heals it contracts, becoming twisted and knotted. These knotted fibres restrict the fresh blood supply needed by the muscle cells and can cause its shortening leading to stiffness.
How can you identify trigger points?
How can a physiotherapist treat trigger points?
There are a few different treatment options for a trigger point. Some options that your physiotherapist can do are-
How can a Pain Physician treat trigger points?
What are Trigger point Injections?
A trigger point injection can help soothe muscle pain, especially in your arms, legs, lower back and neck. It also can be used to treat fibromyalgia, tension headaches and myofascial pain.
Injecting small amounts of anaesthetic with/without steroid into the trigger point can help alleviate the pain.
How is a trigger point injection done?
You will sit or lie down for the procedure. Your doctor locate your trigger points and then, he or she will insert a small needle into the area and inject an anaesthetic with/without steroid.
You can have several trigger points injected during one visit to your doctor’s office. The procedure only takes a few minutes.
What are the risks?
The risk of complication from a trigger point injection is very low. You may have temporary soreness or numbness at the injection site.
What happens after the procedure?
After a trigger point injection, you can actively use your muscle. However, you should avoid strenuous activity for the first few days.
Is trigger point injection right for you?
Trigger point injection may be right for you if your muscle pain has not improved with other treatment, including pain medication and physiotherapy.
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